
Download Page
What is download page? Download page is for who those wants to download on this website to take your download page with safelink and trusted page without losing your goal.
For What Is This?
For some users this must be discussing, but for website owner this is to make and avoiding bombs click from some users.
Safelink Page
Do you know what is Safelink? For download website owners, of course, this is familiar. In contrast to those who have websites with news or information topics, which they very rarely use.
As we all know, a blog is a website that is managed by the author and contains personal experiences, observations, and opinions. In Indonesia itself, there are lots of bloggers with creative and interesting content. Some of them even build blogs or websites as viewing media like movies and songs.
Unlike blogs or websites that provide information media, websites with viewing media earn income in a different way. The way they earn their income is by taking advantage of Safelink.
Then what is Safelink? To find out more, please refer to the following discussion.
Introduction to Safelink
Safelink means a blog or transit page that is deliberately made for various purposes. One of them is to encrypt link destination urls, scan various malware on link urls, and increase the main blog's revenue through advertising media.
The working system of this Safelink is to shorten the link of a website, then it will direct someone to a website containing advertisements. This of course will increase the number of clicks on website advertisements so that revenue will also increase.
Safelink working system
Safelink itself works by manipulating the destination url on the main blog and then redirecting it to an advertising page. On this Safelink page there is an advertisement which is generally in the form of a button that will direct visitors to the destination url. Each time the button is clicked by the user, the website owner will get one ad click.
This system generally utilizes two blogs, namely the main blog and the advertising blog. The main blog is intended to attract many visitors, while the Safelink blog aims to place advertisements.
For example like the image above where the main blog contains a download link that visitors want. When they click the download link, they will be directed to the Safelink blog. On the blog there is also a button that contains advertisements and will direct visitors to the original website.
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